Organization and home business

Organization And Running A Business At Home

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Organization And Running A Business At Home

Let me guess.  You work from home.  You had everything all lined up before you took the plunge.  You had ideas of how you wanted things to go.  You bought yourself some new supplies and set yourself up for success.  Organization was something you had your mind on and even your colorful sticky notes were sitting perfectly on your desk. A dust-free workspace had your name all over it and was waiting for you each morning to sit comfortably at your computer to work.girl at desk

You had your mind made up that you would wake early and get ready for the day.  Once stretched and on your feet, you were ready for your first cup of coffee.  You were able to work, uninterrupted for quite some time.  Things went well.  You even got in the habit of tidying up your things before you settled down for the evening.   You did it… for a few days, week, months, even.

All the sudden, you began to sleep in.  You didn’t need to get dressed.  No one was stopping by to say hello.  That tidy workspace – shambles.  Dust bunnies spent more time working at your desk than you did.  The television became more appealing and you spent less and less time working.  And the guilt!  You began to feel so guilty for lounging all day and not accomplishing things you had your mind set on.  The dishes and laundry were even beginning to pile up.  What happened to the organization?  The lack thereof had you ready to throw in the towel.  You weren’t meant for this stay-at-home stuff.  Or were you?


Blessing Or Curse? entrepreneur

Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to work full-time from home.  Whether you’re choosing it for yourself or it’s the only option, it can be both a blessing and a curse.  It’s all in perspective.  However, something I’ve found is that being organized helps me tremendously while running a business at home.  Luckily, being organized is fairly simple for me, but I understand it’s not for everyone.  No matter where you fall on the ‘tidiness scale’, I’m confident that these tips will help you stay organized while running your business at home.



10 Tips On Organization & Home Business

10 – Routine routine

Because life is what it is, every day is different.  You know just as well as I do that every day will not be the same.  However, it is important to realize that since most of your time will be spent at home, you need to make the most of it.  Create a flexible schedule for your day.

Allow yourself some wiggle room as changes happen and things come up you weren’t planning on.  That’s ok.  You might receive a phone call from a family member.  Your dog might run away in an attempt to catch the neighbor’s cat.  You accidentally burned your lunch on the stove.  Your business partner is panicking and he needs your help ASAP!  It’s ok!  Just breathe.


9 – Wake Up wake up

Go ahead and giggle!  It’s true!  You won’t accomplish anything if you stay in bed all day.  Check back at the list you made of your schedule.  What time is your goal to wake each morning?  It might not be 6:00 AM every day, but you should be in the general vicinity.  Get your body in the habit of waking up around the same time each morning.  Stretch and let your feet hit the floor.  Tell yourself it’s going to be a great day and get a move on!


8 – Get Dressed mis-matched socks

As much as this sounds cliche, trust me on this one.  If you stay in your pajamas all day, it’s true, you’ll be comfortable.  I might suggest this is borderline dangerous and could be disastrous for the success of your business.  But everyone loves to feel comfortable.  I get it!  However, there’s something about getting out of those pajamas and into some jeans and a t-shirt that makes you feel a little more outgoing and prepared to work.  If you don’t believe me, try it.  Commit to getting dressed for 3 days in a row.  On day 4, go ahead and stay in your pj’s.  Your feeling of being too relaxed might be a detriment to your working attitude for that day.


7 – Make Lists sticky notes on computer screen

Making lists is imperative for running a successful business at home.  Some of my friends prefer to create a list at the start of each week, detailing the big items they want to accomplish.  Others prepare to make a list at the start of each new day.  Lately, my preference has been to create a list after the day’s work is complete.  I like to go to bed knowing what I might work on the next day.  Sometimes, I wake in the middle of the night and a different idea strikes me.  I just add it to the list the next morning.

Lists are made to be modified or changed, and ultimately, checked off.  There’s really no greater feeling for me than having a long list of tasks and getting to cross them off as I complete them.  It’s gratifying and leaves me feeling that I’ve accomplished something great for the success of my business!


6 – Set Timers hourglass

This idea of setting timers was never important to me in the beginning stages of starting my business.  I have many friends who count on their timers to lead them from one task to the next.  I’ve recently taken their advice and am so happy with the results.  You see, it’s easy for me to get started on something and not want to move on to the next item of business until I finish what I have started.  That’s sometimes created stress for me.  I have learned that with timers, I am more focus-driven and want to use that time wisely to complete the task before me.  If I don’t finish, then I am able to set it aside and work on it later, with a fresh perspective.


5 – Turn Off Distractions focus

Everywhere you look in your home, you will notice a distraction.  If you haven’t paid attention yet, try to sit in peace and quiet and you’ll see what I mean.  You will hear the clock on the wall.  The furnace will kick in.  The phone rings.  The music you wanted playing quietly in the background really isn’t that quiet at all.  The washing machine is on its spin cycle.

If you’re like me, you’re easily distracted.  Cars driving by or dog walkers steal my attention far too often.  Then I find myself day-dreaming.  Before long, I’m checking emails or social media.  These things have nothing to do with my business and now I’ve lost an hour of my day.  Just. Like. That.  Turning off your phone – or at least putting it out of reach could save you so much valuable time.  Also, I don’t work with the television or the radio.  Some do – it’s just not helpful for me, so I don’t.


4 – Designate A Work Space laptop on table

Choosing to work from your bed is not the best choice if you’re aiming for a productive day.  Once you’ve established the fact that your bedroom is for sleeping and relaxing, there’s no need to return to it for work.  In fact, you should set aside a place that is designated only for you to work.  When you sit in that space, it’s for work.  When you leave it, you’re not working.

It doesn’t have to be fancy with a desk in front of a beautiful window inside a designated office.  Shoot, in my house, there isn’t even a place for a desk.  My workspace has become the dining room table, and I’m perfectly content with it.  Find a place that makes you feel comfortable, but not too comfortable.  For example, lounging on the sofa all day might feel nice on your back, but how much progress do you think you’ll make if you’re taking little cat-naps throughout the day?


3 – Take Short Breaks girl stretching

This is another thing I have recently learned is beneficial.  I’m generally not one to take a break.  One of my weaknesses, as I’ve mentioned earlier, is that when I start something, I feel the need to finish it before moving on.  Many times, I would get stuck on a task and time is just wasted.  If I would have simply taken a quick break to clear my head, I could have returned and got right back to work with fresh thoughts.

I’m continuing to work on this, but I’m already seeing the benefits.  When you start to feel restless or stuck, just get up and take a quick 5-minute break.  Throw on a song and have yourself a little dance party.  No one’s watching!  Get some of your energy back and feel refreshed when you sit back down to work.


2 – Keep Track Of Progress coffee and treats

I have found it extremely helpful to have a list of tasks or goals for the day.  As previously mentioned, it gives me so much satisfaction to be able to cross things off after I’ve completed them.  I like to celebrate small successes just as much as the big wins in my day.

For example, I might make a deal with myself that if I can write a blog post by noon, I’ll celebrate with one of my favorite coffee drinks.  Maybe I’ll have a 10-minute break to call a friend or check on social media.  Little rewards are what keep me going throughout my day.


1 – Make It Enjoyable happy entrepreneur

Work feels like work if it’s not fun.  For me, working from home is awesome.  I get to spend time working on the business that I’ve created and built from the ground up.  I’ve also got a pretty great business partner to share ideas with and that keeps things fun.  Obviously, you’re going to want to like what you’re doing.  As an entrepreneur, you get to call the shots.  You’re the boss, Applesauce!  What you say goes!  Pick something you have a passion for – and work to make your dreams come alive!


Call It A Day

For me, something that I need to get better about is knowing when to quit for the day.  I could literally be working on some part of my business all day long from early morning until late at night.  Call it commitment.  Call it passion.  Call it crazy.  I enjoy what I do and so I feel there’s always something I should be doing.  After all, if I’m not doing something, I’m not doing anything.  I’m a work in progress, but what can I say?  I love what I do!  I think it’s a real privilege to be able to work from home.


Entrepreneurship Ruleshappy entrepreneurs

Nah!  There are no rules!  The thing is, you’re your own boss!  Congratulations!  It’s really something to be able to say that.  Are you treating your business as a business?  If so, you’re going to create a successful business and see big results.  If you’re treating it as a hobby, then don’t expect business results.  The fact is that if you can keep yourself organized, you will successfully be running a business at home – and loving it!  Your success is in your hands!  You’ve got this!  I’m wishing you more success than you know what to do with!



Until Next Time!


18 thoughts on “Organization And Running A Business At Home

  1. Hi! I like the part of the entrepreneurship rules! Your post has been so helpful. Venturing into affiliate marketing and managing all our time may seem easy but it turns out that to be productive you really have to organize yourself. I have gathered a couple of tips here and one of the biggest was concerning organizing my work-space. Thank you very much!

    1. Hi, Ann!

      Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate the fact that you’ve gained some insight on how to remain organized to better your chances of running a successful business from your home! Affiliate marketing will get you into the practice of organizing! I wish you much success on your journey forward!

      Kind Regards,

  2. Hello Heidi, I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. After reading your post I concluded that I am not an organizer at all. Just like you mention, it is important to have goals for every day, in that way success is guaranteed. I will definitely follow your tips and change some of my habits which affects my business.

    1. Hello, Danijel!

      I’m sorry that you’re realizing that you are not an organizer! The good news is that you have found some tips to help you with your organization strategies! Just getting a day’s goals down on paper can make a big difference! Best wishes to you as you move forward with running your business from home!

      All the best!

  3. As a beginner in the online business world, I find this article truly helpful and useful to help me organise and run a business at home. Sometimes, the energy is always there at the beginning but as time goes on, we begin to lose interest especially when we feel we aren’t making progress. If only our eyes are opened!

    Organisation is key to achieving good success in all ramifications of life. I find these 10 tips really useful. It’s a really nice idea to dress up when we wake up in the morning to work on our business. And it is important we enjoy our job because that’s one of the ways to get mortivated.

    Peace out!

    1. Hello!!

      Thank you so much for stopping by to read and then taking time to comment! I find it exciting that you’re just beginning this online journey and you’ve found some value in the tips to staying organized and running your business from home! That’s wonderful to hear!

      No doubt it can be a tough road to stay focused while working from home, but with the right mindset, we can push ourselves to pursue success! I wish you much success as you move forward on this journey!


  4. Hi Heidi

    This is such a useful post for all of us that work at home. It is difficult to get motivated in the first place and then to remain motivated with so many distractions around you. If you work at home then you have to treat it like you are working for someone else. You have to get dressed, you have to set goals and finish them, and you have to stay motivated enough to do your job well. All the points you raised are valid and should be considered before you even start thinking about doing a home business. Routine is just as important in home business as it is in the rest of your life. You need your productivity to be at its optimal and that involves taking rest, otherwise you will not be at your best.

    On the other end of the scale, do you think some people work too hard at home as well?



    1. Hi, Antonio!

      You raise some very interesting points! Thank you for your insight! Firstly, I think you’re right about it being difficult sometimes to stay motivated when working from home. This can be a challenge specifically if we let the organization go out the window. Routines are very important and very crucial to our success.

      To answer your question about whether some work too hard – I don’t doubt that. For example, it’s easy for me to spend all day at my computer, but when I look at what I’ve done for the day, I sometimes feel as though I could have used my time better. I think it’s all in how we value the time we have to work. No doubt other things come up during the day, and so our flexibility is important. Treating our work time as a business is very important.

      Thank you so much for your comment! It’s given me some other things to consider in running my business at home!

      Cheers to your success!

  5. Hi Heidi
    This article is so true when it comes to working from home, I had always worked in an office prior to starting my own business and it’s so much easier to get up and go to work when you actually have to “get up and go to work”
    However, once you have a structure in place and set your self s few ground rules then you can avoid the pitfalls that can creep up on you when your working in the comfort of your own home.
    Great article and a must-read for someone starting a business from home
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you, Justin!

      It’s definitely an adjustment. However, I’ve found that if I can just organize a few things, the entire day runs so much smoother! As you mention, ground rules are important for running your business at home. Every day can’t be pajama day! 🙂 I appreciate you stopping by!

      Kind Regards!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing such an excellent article with us. I have got a lot of information about Organization And Running A Business At Home. I have read your article and found a lot of new ideas that I did not know before or only knew a little about. 

    Doing business at home is one of my hobbies and I love doing it. I wake up in the morning and wake up early in the morning. Wearing a t-shirt and pants definitely helps me get started work. I work according to the routine and I already made the routine for work.

    I would make notes listed always on the computer screen. The notes listed helped me with my work and I try to finish one job then I could go to another job. It’s important for every person to be aware of time taken and I like to use the timer. I enjoyed your valuable information from your article and I hope other people will benefit from this valuable information. Many many thanks for you.

  7. Hi, there!

    I’m so happy to hear that you’re running your own business from home! It’s also great that you were able to pick up a couple tips to help with your organization! Notes, as they’ve helped you, are a big help to me! You should see the stack of sticky-notes I have! The best feeling, though, is being able to cross tasks off and tear up the note! (Then I get to write new ones – and use a different color!) I like to be organized, and I’m happy you’ve taken away some pointers!

    Best wishes to you!

  8. Hi Heidi, thanks a lot for posting this helpful overview. I have to say I recognise a lot of the struggles you describe such as wanting to finish tasks. Guilty!
    I think the tip to use a timer is great and could work very well for me too. I also recognise the distraction issue. If I have been distracted I feel devastated after for losing valuable time. Thank you for sharing this inspiring and uplifting post, I enjoyed reading it. Cheers Jude

    1. Hi there, Jude!

      I appreciate you taking the time to stop and leave a comment regarding organization running a business from home! I’m blessed to be able to do so, but it takes determination to stick to a routine and limit distractions! It’s nice to meet someone else like me, who has a difficult time moving from one unfinished task to another! I suppose since we can admit to it, we’re on the right track to change! 🙂 Wishing you success as you pursue this journey as well!!

      All the best!

  9. As always, an awesome read and lots of great ideas. I especially like the dance party (as long as I’m alone and not at a coffee shop). I have fallen into the slacking roll recently and this has rekindled the fire to start up again. Life gets in the way for all of us and it’s important to remember to keep pushing along and get the work done!

    1. Hey, EW!!!

      Thank you, kindly, for taking the time to stop by, read, and comment! I can picture a solo-dance party at your nearest coffee shop! I think you could start something!! I’m happy to hear that these organization tips have given you a nudge to get busy! We know that running a business at home takes dedication and a whole lot of patience!!

      Best wishes always!

  10. Hello Heidi,

    Thank you for this post with the most fundamental considerations for operating a business from home.
    I am determined to ensure I adhere to the:
    – 10 Tips On Organization & Home Business.
    Unfortunately, I have a problem with concentration, & certainly need to work on it – otherwise, the 10 Tips will be very difficult to achieve.

    I am overwhelmed at the incredibly detailed information included with the Digital Marketing Launchpad, & have barely started in organising myself to be effective in my determination to succeed with my home business.


    1. Hey, Denis!!

      I’m so happy you were able to stop by! It’s also great that you were able to take away some points from this post to steer you towards success! I understand the concentration thing; but admitting it is half the battle, right?

      Thank you for grabbing a copy of the eBook, “The Digital Marketing Launchpad”. I hope that in time, you’re able to utilize the tips and tricks hidden within it!

      Blessings for continued success!

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