WP Easy Ranker Review

WP Easy Ranker Review

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WP Easy Ranker is wordpress plugin which is marketed as the answer to getting your website and it’s content ranked on page 1 of Google searches. In this WP Easy Ranker review I am going to take a look at its claims to be able to automatically rank your site on page 1 of Google search with 100% original content.

Anyone who has spent any time working in digital marketing knows that creating original content is crucial for building the credibility and rankings of your site. We also know that it is a hard job to do with both the writing and research required. It’s also not something which you can do a half-hearted job on so it’s important to create good content to avoid the risk of destroying your website and business credibility.

What Is WP Easy Ranker?

WP Easy Ranker is a wordpress plugin. When you sign up you will be taken to a download page where you will be able to download the plugin and then add it to your website.

Once you have uploaded the plugin you will be able to access the dashboard and set up the plugin on your site with your choice of settings for content creation and monetization with clickbank products.

WP Easy Ranker Review

About WP Easy Ranker

There are essentially 2 main things that the regular version of WP Easy ranker does.

The first is to create content for your site. When you set up WP easy ranker you will be asked to enter your clickbank id and choose a niche for your site. There are all the usual profitable niches covered including:

  • Internet marketing
  • Diet and cooking,
  • Video games,
  • Finance and trading,
  • Weight loss,
  • Green products,
  • Betting
  • and also a custom setting which you can use if your own niche isn’t covered by any of the other topics.

Once you have added you clickbank details and chosen your niche then you need to add some “Cron Jobs” via the cPanel on your web hosting. This is an important consideration for you before you decide to invest in this product. You will need to be comfortable in using cPanel to set up these Cron jobs although the process is demonstrated for you in a tutorial video that comes with the product.

If you are not comfortable in using cPanel then you may be able to get the help team from your hosting provider to do this for you but you should also be aware that a number of hosting providers do not allow custom Cron jobs. This was something I only discovered myself after purchasing the product. I use Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting and custom Cron jobs are not supported there which means I am unable to use WP Easy Ranker on any sites I host at Wealthy Affiliate.

The Cron jobs are what allow the product to run in the background and basically automate the whole process for you. You set the posting interval and the plugin then goes to work to create the content as well as reviews of clickbank products which it then publishes on your site. The clickbank reviews will have your affiliate link embedded in them which means that anyone who visits your site, reads the review and then buys via your link will earn you a commission.

How Much Does WP Easy Ranker Cost?

There are 2 options.

The Single site licence has a regular price of $37 but is currently on offer at $14

The Multiple site licence has a regular price of $47 but is currently on offer at $17

Can You Make Money With WP Easy Ranker?

If you take a broad view of the product then you should definitely be able to make money with WP Easy Ranker. By creating original content for your site on a regular basis you should be able to get rankings within the Google search which will bring traffic to your site. Once you have traffic on your site, if you have good content then the visitors will stay there to consume it. If they decide to make a purchase based on a recommendation in one of your product reviews then you will earn commissions.

It will essentially do all the jobs required of an affiliate marketing site.

Pros Of WP Easy Ranker

  • Create lots of original content in any niche without having to write it yourself
  • Create product reviews of clickbank products to monetise your site
  • Automation – set it up and let it do all the work for you

Cons of WP Easy Ranker

  • Cron jobs required. You must be comfortable in setting up Cron jobs in cPanel and you must be using a hosting provider that allow Cron jobs to be used.
  • Quality of content? Automatically created content or “spun articles” are unlikely to be as good as ones actually written by a real person. This will require regular monitoring.

Is WP Easy Ranker A Scam?

I was excited to give WP Easy Ranker a try on one of my websites to see what sort of results it would generate but unfortunately my hosting provider doesn’t permit Cron Jobs to be run on its servers so I wasn’t able to try it out for myself.

I have taken a look at the site created by the plugin creator and I have to say it’s not bad for a site whose content was created entirely by the plugin. Assuming that this is genuinely the case then I would say that WP Easy Ranker is NOT a scam.


Final Thoughts

WP Easy Ranker dashboard

I am in two minds as to whether I would like to recommend WP Easy Ranker, or not. It is difficult to say for sure since I was unable to use it myself so I am basing my thoughts on what I have seen in the product dashboard and the site created by the plugin creator using the plugin.

The product dashboard is very straightforward and has a link to download the plugin as well as a series of videos which demonstrate how to set up the plugin – both the regular version and Pro version. The videos give a clear demonstration and I would say that the process should be straightforward for anyone with a basic understanding of wordpress.

The other thing to note on the dashboard is the links to all the bonuses. In complete fairness I would have to say that the bonuses that come with the product are actually very good indeed and some of them are probably actually worth the price of the product itself.

My big concern with any product which claims to produce content automatically is the quality of the articles produced. Since I wasn’t able to use it myself I spent some time reading through the articles created by the plugin on the site created by the developer.

The site is a cryptocurrency site which is a niche I know virtually nothing about. The articles that I read were not bad but although they wouldn’t strike me as being obviously computer generated, I would be disappointed if that was the quality of article I wrote myself. Lots of the sentences are very short which gives the content a slightly staccato feel, rather than flowing. There were some minor grammatical errors too which just detract a little from the authority.

To be clear – it’s not bad at all, it’s just not as good as an average human would write. You could perhaps spend a little time polishing up the articles to make them better which would still probably make it a worthwhile investment.

What’s The Alternative?

Heidi and I are often asked what program we recommend to people who want to get started in an online business and we always recommend that you choose one of two proven methods for building an online business.

If you believe that affiliate marketing is the way forward for your business then we have no hesitation in recommending this proven system which will show you how to build an online business and website from the ground up with training and support to help you every step of the way.

This system shows you how to attract FREE organic traffic so that people come to you out of choice rather than because you bombarded them with adverts or spam messages.

If you are ready to build a business selling your own products then we have laid out the entire process to help you do that in our book “The Digital Marketing Launchpad“. This is our own tried tested and proven method for creating your own digital products to sell and we cover product research, creating products with free tools, selling and taking payments for your products, and getting traffic and customers too. Click the image below to find out more!

Thanks for checking out this review and please leave any comments or questions below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

All the best


4 thoughts on “WP Easy Ranker Review

  1. Nice content and topic. 

    I have hard to believe that a plugin/computer program can write as good content as a real human being, but I could be wrong.

    It is unfortunate that you discovered that Wealthy Affiliate web hosting doesn’t allow the proper setup to be done for this plugin as it would have been good to see it being used by you.

    It should be nice to see if it actually works.

    1. Hi Fredrik

      Yes I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to put the plugin into action. Wealthy affiliate doesn’t permit cron job scripts on its servers so that means I was unable to actually use it. I have great faith in Wealthy Affiliate so the fact that they don’t allow cron jobs would be a negative for me and something I will look out for in future.

      I agree with you that it is hard to think that the content created by a plugin would be as good as that created by a human.



  2. I need to diversify the digital marketing of the small company I work for.  This is an eye catching and helpful website that I think is exactly what I need. Now I am cooped up indoors, I have the time to explore options and your page helpfully explains this. 

    Your description of “WP Easy Ranker” is most useful. But you yourself suggest you are unsure whether to recommend it or not. But you do however unequivocally recommend Wealthy Affiliate so I shall explore that further. Is Wealthy Affiliate good value? 

    Thank you also for the link to your digital book too. I will be downloading that.  This is a most helpful page, thank you for your advice.

    1. Hi Trevor

      Yes there has certainly never been a better time to work on digital marketing with all that’s happening in the world at the minute. I certainly have no hesitation in recommending Wealthy Affiliate. Not only does it have some of the best training anywhere online but it also offers top rated web hosting too.

      I’m glad you have decided to invest in our book. Creating and marketing your own digital products is without doubt one of the best ways to create a profitable online business.

      Good luck


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