Make Money Online From Affiliate Marketing

Make Money Online From Affiliate Marketing

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What’s all the hype about this thing called affiliate marketing?  You’re noticing videos and advertisements on YouTube.  Social media networks are blowing up with posts, links to websites, guides and webinars all boasting about people making money online from affiliate marketing.


Let’s break this down and if you’re around for the end of the post, we’re going to let you in on a little secret: our favorite platform in regard to affiliate marketing.


What Is It?

To be quite simple, if you are an affiliate marketer, you will promote someone else’s product/(s).  When you do that, if someone likes what you have to say and trusts your judgment, hence, they make a purchase through your suggestion or recommendation, you will earn a commission on the item sold through your affiliate link.


This is a strategy that bloggers use to monetize a blog.  It’s not rocket science and even a rookie can learn how to become an affiliate marketer.


Why Participate?

affiliate marketing

You might be wondering why anyone would want to promote someone else’s product.  Well, let’s think about it from a company’s perspective.  A company can only do so much on its own.  They may have a brick and mortar business that also caters to an online community with a website.


However, if the said company didn’t find other ways to get the word out about their business or products, they’ll eventually have to close its doors due to lack of sales.


Enter – the affiliate marketer.  A business has an opportunity to utilize people who are willing to promote its products.  In doing so, that company or business may offer a commission on any product sold by the affiliate.  In the end, the company can remain in business because affiliates are essentially keeping their business alive.


What’s The Catch?

affiliate marketing

There is no catch.  In our opinion, it’s a winning situation for all involved.  Affiliate marketing offers a blogger or entrepreneur an opportunity to earn some commission by promoting products for other people or companies.


There are thousands of companies willing to work with affiliates.  It can be fun to look for affiliate companies.  All of them offer different levels of commission, so you must hunt for the best companies that suit your needs.


Where Should You Begin?

If you already have a blog or website, you are able to begin monetizing as soon as you find an affiliate program you like.  You may even find several.  Keep in mind that you want to look for things related to your niche, so it’s easier to discuss those products throughout your content.


Whatever it is you’re choosing to market, chances are, you can do a quick search to find several options for you to select from.  Make sure you read the policy and the rules for any affiliate company you are interested in joining.  You don’t want to lose your commission for accidentally breaking a rule.  Once you have applied and been accepted to an affiliate program, you’re allowed to begin marketing those products by attaching your affiliate link to your content.


Rookie Entrepreneur?

rookie entrepreneur

Let’s say that you don’t already have a blog or a website.  Then what?  Where should you begin?  We are happy you asked, as we are excited to share with you how we figured this whole thing out!


Well, first, we needed to learn how to create a website.  If we were going to promote products from the comfort of our own home, we knew it was necessary to have a website.  The search began and while we dabbled with a few other options first, we both landed at Wealthy Affiliate.


How Wealthy Affiliate Checks All The Boxes

David and I were both extremely impressed with the advertisements surrounding Wealthy Affiliate.  What really captured our attention was that it was completely free to sign up.  In this case, free absolutely means free.  We weren’t asked for a credit card number or for our birthright.


Members with free accounts could begin training on how to begin and continue to create a website.  We both learned that it would be beneficial for us to create a blog where we could add relevant content and bring truths, ideas, and experiences to the surface to help others.  We were in for a surprise and we didn’t even realize it yet.


wealthy affiliate web hosting



helping others

What’s the surprise?  Simply put, Wealthy Affiliate is amazing.  We’re not just saying that, either.  What happened was that on our own, both David and I created websites in a niche that we selected.  We began creating content with the idea that we would be helping others.  After all, that’s our true desire and passion – helping others.


As naive as we were upon joining Wealthy Affiliate, we didn’t realize that Wealthy Affiliate itself was an affiliate company looking for affiliates (here we are!) to promote their business.  What?  We just learned how to create a website, add content, and learn how to build it to gain authority with the ultimate goal to help others.


Now we can promote Wealthy Affiliate and make a commission from this terrific platform?  Here’s another little secret: the affiliate commission percentage is pretty spectacular!  We wanted to make money online from affiliate marketing and now we could do just that!


Blown Away

promote wealthy affiliate

Obviously, we’ve never experienced anything like Wealthy Affiliate.  Not only did we learn how to create a website through phenomenal training, but the hosting services are fantastic too.  When we thought we were already satisfied with this amazing opportunity, we found out that we could be affiliates for the company as well.  What could be better than to be able to promote something you actually love?


There are so many people who are promoting products and systems without even having experience with them.  It’s a shame and a disservice to anyone who stumbles upon a blog post or piece of content that’s written by someone who has no experience with the product being promoted.  We’re committed to bringing truth to our reviews.


There are many courses and training products that will promise to tell you how to set up your business as an affiliate marketer. However, there is nowhere online where you can get the complete training you need – covering every step of the process – along with the most amazing community of fellow affiliate marketers who are all keen to help each other and learn from each other.

This is truly what makes Wealthy Affiliate the ultimate place online for learning how to become an affiliate marketer.

  • The best affiliate marketing training available
  • A community of like-minded affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs
  • Opportunities to earn money within the site itself
  • The opportunity to act as an affiliate yourself for a tried, tested and proven product

If you want to learn how to make money online from affiliate marketing then you should really take a look and see for yourself. It’s completely free to join and you get access to the introductory training as well as 2 free websites you can use to start building your business.

Click the image below and sign up for your free membership and be sure to look us up (HeidiAnders3 and Dave07). We would be more than happy to help you out with any questions.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Wealthy Affiliate Starter


All the best

Heidi and David


12 thoughts on “Make Money Online From Affiliate Marketing

  1. Hi Heidi and David, let me just say that as a perennial marketing advocate, I agree with everything you stated in your blog post. Before I started affiliate marketing, I was at several MLM companies, tried out GTP sites, even lost money on some scams several times. Affiliate marketing is a great thing for both brands and anyone who wants to make money online, legally.

    1. Hi.

      Thanks very much for stopping by. I think it’s fair to say that your experience is not unusual and we have both had our fingers burned in the past from buying courses and training programs that didn’t deliver what they promised.

      Affiliate marketing is a genuine opportunity to build a proper and profitable online business but to learn how to do it right and build a long term sustainable business – you cant really do better than Wealthy Affiliate.

      Good luck

      David and Heidi

  2. Hey there Heidi and David,

    I liked your piece here on affiliate marketing and I think you give a very clear and simple description of what it’s all about. I’ve been blogging and managing forums for a long time, and naturally, affiliate marketing to help bring in the income necessary to keep those passions sustainable.

    As for Wealthy Affiliate, I definitely recommend their training programs especially if you’re new to it all. I’ve checked out a few different courses through Udemy and Clickbank, but Wealthy Affiliate gave me a lot more knowledge and training in the end.

    On the topic of Affiliate work, have you ever heard of John Crestani? I’ve seen his name come up a few times as a long time marketer and internet success, and wondered your thoughts on him and maybe his program.

    Anyways, have a great day you guys!

    1. Hi Tyson

      Thanks very much for your interest in our article on affiliate marketing. We really appreciate your kind comments too.

      Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online – either as a business in its own right or as an additional source of income alongside your other business activities.

      We have also tried many other training programs and we agree that nothing provides anything like the comprehensive training you get from Wealthy Affiliate.

      Dave says he’s heard of John Crestani but has no personal experience of him or his programs. He says he is a genuine marketer though and someone well known to be a good teacher.

  3. Hey guys!

    Making money online seems like a great way to get your future in your own hands and be your own boss. Wealthy Affiliate is indeed a great platform with a lively community and great courses for which otherwise one would have to pay thousands of dollars. The best part is that people from different backgrounds can join and be able to start their own websites with 0 knowledge. Thanks for sharing this post!

    1. Hi!

      Yes you are so right! The best way to take control of your future is to start your own business and affiliate marketing is a great way to do just that!

      Wealthy affiliate is the best platform we have come across for learning all the skills of this business and the additional support from the community as well as the hosting package makes it just about the best value in affiliate marketing training anywhere online.


      David and Heidi

  4. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online because it deals with passive income. Passive income is great as it allows us to generate income while at another job, while on vacation or even while sleeping. You’ve done very well to describe Affiliate marketing with a straightforward approach. I totally agree that it’s not rocket science either. 

    Well said about promoting other people’s products. It gives us a chance to shed Iight on the products we love, all while having the ability to earn commissions. I agree also that it’s a win-win for all parties involved. Wealthy Affiliate is a tried and true platform with an outstanding community of supporters. Readers should definitely follow your links to see what it’s all about, great post!

    1. Hi Pentrental

      You are quite right to talk about affiliate marketing being a source of passive income. This is the perfect scenario for all digital marketers – the ability to be earning money while not even at your business.

      All it needs is the determination to put in the work at the start and build your business. Getting that work done can earn you money passively for many years to come.

      I’m glad to hear that you are a fan of Wealthy Affiliate too and yes we completely agree about the outstanding community – it’s one of the things we love most!

      Best wishes

      Heidi and David

  5. Hey Heldi, Thanks for guiding on Make money online from affiliate marketing. I am learning while reading your article. You have written step by step. It is very helpful for me to understand the importance of a website or blog while entering in Affiliate marketing. I found wealthy affiliate like you. On wealthy affiliate I am knowing how to earn from affiliate marketing through its training modules. Soon I will launch my website with the help of site rubix platform in wealthy affiliate. Your post is very helpful for all who want to learn and earn from affiliate marketing.

    Thanks you 


    1. Hi Parveen

      It sounds like you are making great progress with your business and you have certainly made a great decision by joining Wealthy Affiliate. Building a blog is an important part of becoming an affiliate marketer as it lends your business that extra credibility. Keep on working on that and then you can ramp up the affiliate marketing side of things when you are ready.

      Good luck

      Heidi and David

  6. Just read your blog post.  As a current member of Wealthy Affiliate myself, I have a basic understanding of what affiliate marketing is.  I found your explanation simple,  accurate and to the point.  Your article certainly addresses most of the basic questions someone new to affiliate marketing would have.  

    I thought you carefully crafted your article’s narrative to confront the new to affiliate marketing reader’s initial need to understand how to make money, with a suggested solution to that problem, and then offering a reasonable actual solution based upon your own experience.  

    I think your article’s reliance on your own experience with affiliate marketing and the advantages of having joined Wealthy Affiliate added just the right amount of credibility and relevance to your offered solution.  Your article is informative without being pushy or overselling your product.  I also found your article to be written in a friendly and sort of familiar fashion that I found inviting.  Overall, I found your article to have been a enjoyable read and I learned a lot.

    Thank you

    1. Hi. Thanks very much for your feedback.

      It’s good to hear that you found it an enjoyable read as that’s always our aim – to provide helpful information in an interesting format. We will look forward to cathcing up with you on Wealthy Affiliate.

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