wealthy affiliate web hosting

Why we left Siteground and Hostgator hosting for Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting and learned how to build an online business from scratch.

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We both found Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting pretty much by accident but it has turned out to be one of the best things both of us have ever done. Not only did we discover a fantastic web hosting solution but we discovered each other, formed a business partnership and learned how to build an online business from scratch!


web hosting

We’ll talk more about the business side of things later in this article but first of all let’s take a look at the hosting side of things. In the past we have used both Siteground hosting and Hostgator hosting and had mixed experiences with both.


Hostgator is often promoted as a great value hosting solution for new start-up digital marketers for it’s competitively priced introductory offers. This was the main factor in  our decision to choose them for our first hosting package. The problem with Hostgator was that we experienced really poor customer service with this company when we had problems with our site and the response from their technical support team was often very slow in coming and not particularly helpful.


When you are running a digital marketing business you can’t afford to make a bad impression on visitors by having your site unavailable for long periods of time due to hosting issues. Website’s going down for whatever reason is something that happens but when it does happen you need quick reactions from site support to put things right. In our opinion, competitive prices are no substitute for poor service.


We moved our sites to Siteground hosting. This was a relatively painless experience and Siteground were very helpful in offering a site migration service which saved us from having to do any technical stuff. In fairness to Siteground we had a relatively hassle-free year of hosting with them. Our sites had very good up-time and on the rare occasion we had to contact technical support we found them to be very helpful.


siteground hosting

The sting in the tail however was felt, when it came time to renew the hosting package. The initial price for their Grow Big package was about $70 for the year but when it came to renewal the price shot up to about $240!! There was absolutely no negotiating with them. It was very much a case of take it or leave it which we felt was a pretty poor way to treat a loyal customer.


So we once again looked for a new web hosting solution and that’s when we discovered Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting. We had heard of Wealthy Affiliate but never really checked it out as neither of us were thinking of doing affiliate marketing at that time. But a chance meeting with an existing member led to us learning all about the incredible web hosting package that comes with Wealthy Affiliate membership.


Let’s be clear – the web hosting package with Wealthy Affiliate is a premium product and costs more than even the renewal price with Siteground. You can pay monthly for it or get a discounted annual subscription for $299. As a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate you can host up to 50 websites in your account. You also get access to an amazing site support team who are available 24/7, no matter where you are in the world. The Wealthy Affiliate Site support team will also migrate all of your current websites onto their servers completely for free.


So far this is comparable to the package you get from Siteground so why would you choose Wealthy Affiliate web hosting?


The web hosting service from Wealthy affiliate is among the best currently available online but as a member you get so much more than just the hosting and site support. You also get access to an amazing community of fellow members with a wide array of talents and abilities who are all keen to share their experiences and help other members overcome problems. You also get access to some of the best training we have ever seen online which will take you step by step through the process of how to build an online business from scratch.


wealthy affiliate web hosting


Let’s now take a look at each of these things in a bit more detail!


All About Web Hosting

Do you have a website?  Are you thinking of creating a website?  Perhaps you’re wanting to dive into this world of online entrepreneurship, but you don’t know where to host your new site.  Maybe you already have a host for your site.  There is a chance that now is a good time to look for a new one if you’re unhappy where you are.  What if we told you that we know of a platform that will more than likely check all of the proverbial boxes you’re looking for when searching for a hosting platform?


web hosting

You can pop over to your favourite search engine and do a quick search for the most popular web hosting platforms and come up with pages and pages of reviews, ideas, recommendations, and advertisements.  However, what if we told you all about what’s working for us and why we have chosen the platform we recommend?  If you’re on a hunt for the best hosting website, please at least hear us out.


We’re not here to make you select our choice.  We don’t want you to leave the services you enjoy.  Subsequently, if you’re searching, allow us to cut your search time in half.  We invite you to not just take our word for it either.  Please just check into it yourself and if you like what you see, awesome!  If not, that’s great, too!  We just want you to make an informed decision before diving into a host platform and it not going well for you.


Why Do You Need A Host?

When you fly to your vacation destination, what happens to your luggage when you enter the airplane?  Specifically, your large luggage is stowed beneath the carrier and your carry on bags are stored in the cabin in compartments above your head.  Is it necessary?  Of course!  There would be no room for many people on the plane if there was no place to store the luggage.

Look at your website in a similar way.  When you think of a hosting website, think of it as storage space for your content.  It’s like renting online real estate.  The web server you choose will store your website files (or baggage).  It is absolutely necessary to have a host for your website.  Simply put, you cannot have a live website on the internet without web hosting.  It’s not something that is up for discussion; it’s a must.



What’s The Difference In The Hosting Platforms?

web hosting

In our research, we’ve found that most hosting websites offer the same amount of services and support as its neighbor.  While we did find some differences, we’re happy to report that as a whole, there were no substantial differences between them.  What’s that mean?  They all pretty much offer the same things: bandwidth, security, reliability, and customer support, just to name a few.

One of the factors that can vary among the hosting platforms is the price.  Some people make this decision solely on price alone.  While price should be a consideration, we wouldn’t recommend it being the sole reason for choosing your hosting platform.  The reason most people (especially rookies) overlook is that the cost of the hosting platform varies based on the services it provides.  Prices vary based on packages and types of services people opt for.



Our Recommendation

From our past experiences with web hosting, we have landed on one that we would recommend to anyone, especially someone who is new to building a website.  We very much value the services and hosting benefits to the platform we belong to.  At Wealthy Affiliate, we pay $0.82 per day.

When you break it down into daily costs, we realized that we can’t even purchase the local newspaper for that price.  It’s also almost impossible to buy a morning coffee from your favorite cafe for less than $1.00.  Once we put the price into perspective along with all of the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate, we jumped on board and don’t plan on ever walking the plank.  We’re sticking with Wealthy Affiliate.


wealthy affiliate web hosting



We’re so glad you asked!  Please bear in mind that these are our experiences and our opinions.  While we don’t think you’d find your experience much different, it’s important to remember that we are only sharing what has worked for us.  Allow us to walk you through what we think are 7 main advantages of Wealthy Affiliate’s hosting platform and features.


1- Price

Wealthy Affiliate welcomes you to try out a free account.  With your free account, you’re able to host two (2) websites.  Yes!  Both for free!  There is no catch!  However, if you jump to the premium membership, like us, you’ll be able to have up to 50 websites hosted on their servers!  We know, you’re wondering what you would ever do with 50 websites.  You could keep your free account and host your 2, or when you build your business and work with others, you can upgrade to a premium account and host websites for your clients!  You’d be surprised how many you can have up and running simultaneously!


2- Education

We were more than impressed at the levels and the amount of training offered within the Wealthy Affiliate platform.  Not only are there two separate pieces of training that will walk anyone through the entire process of laying a solid foundation for a website, but there is also so much more.  There are 52 live classes each year (that’s one each week)!  Members within the community have created training modules as well.  There are video tutorials and classrooms full of additional lessons.  We’ve been around for a while and feel as though we haven’t made a dent in all that is offered within Wealthy Affiliate.  Simply put, you have at your fingertips, step-by-step, task-oriented training.


wealthy affiliate training


3- Profit-Ready Websites

As we have already mentioned, Wealthy Affiliate will host up to 50 of your websites.  Wealthy Affiliate’s hosting platform is called SiteRubix, and is robust and powerful.  Wealthy Affiliate partners with WordPress to allow you a unique, pain-free website build, from the bottom up.


4- Excellent Site Speed Rating

Wealthy Affiliate boasts an incredible average page load time of 1.3 seconds.  If you end up with slow site speed, it will undoubtedly hurt your ranking and authority.  Visitors to your website don’t want to wait for your website or pages to load.  They’re expecting almost instant access to your content.


5- Double Hosting

One perk Wealthy Affiliate offers its customers is the idea that their websites will be double hosted.  What that means is that there is a ‘mirror’ of your website running at all times.  If for some reason something should happen to your website, site support will swap in the back-up immediately.  No issue or trouble at all!


6- Site Support

We can attest to the fact that site support within Wealthy Affiliate must be a true set of brilliant minds.  Whenever we have had a question or a minor snag, one quick note to site support and usually within minutes, our hiccup has vanished.  They provide extremely timely and effective service to support members in any way, shape, or form.  We’ve never witnessed anything like this support.  It’s readily available 24-7.


7- Community

Have you ever been a part of a platform that welcomes you regardless of your experience, race, gender, or opinions?  This is not a social media platform, but it is a network of like-minded entrepreneurs who only want to share their knowledge and expertise with everyone, including the rookies!  We are all newbies at some point.  When we joined the community at Wealthy Affiliate, we didn’t know such a place existed.  It’s real, friend.  There are more than 1.4 million members and they’re actively participating in all that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer!


How To Build An Online Business From Scratch

There are of course many people who will tell you that only they can tell you how to build an online business from scratch and will probably want to charge you a tidy sum to teach it to you also.


wealthy affiliate training

This was the unexpected bonus that came with Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting. You see, you can join the platform as a free member (this doesn’t include hosting but does include 2 free websites) and get a great introductory training course on how to set up a WordPress website.


This is a really useful training course and even if you don’t want to take up the full premium subscription it’s worth signing up with Wealthy Affiliate for this training alone. However if you do decide to become a Premium member (which you will need to do to get access to the web hosting) you will unlock access to what we think is the best training available anywhere online, on how to set up your own affiliate marketing business.

The Training Covers:

  • Building your own traffic producing website
  • How to make money with your website
  • How to master social media and get engagement with your site
  • How to create content that get’s ranked in search engines and attracts and maintains visitors
  • How to master all the strategies of Search Engine Optimisation
  • Free traffic strategies
  • Paid traffic strategies such as pay-per-click


On top of all that there are weekly live training webinars with Jay – one of the founders of the platform and an excellent teacher! These webinars cover lots of cutting edge strategies to give you an almost unfair advantage over any competitors in your niche.


Following the training at Wealthy Affiliate, we have built 3 brand new websites and online businesses between us. There is truly no better feeling than knowing you are building a prosperous future for yourself and your family.


We are telling you now – There is No Better Training Course anywhere online for learning how to build an affiliate marketing business than the training which is included with Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting.


Combine the top-rated web hosting and the unrivalled training and you have what is without doubt the best value package on the internet for learning how to build an online business from scratch.


wealthy affiliate training


Final Thoughts

We know that it is imperative to have an online host for your website.  We trust you see the necessity as well.  While we would never force you to choose Wealthy Affiliate or leave a host you enjoy, we are here to help.  It is our mission to help others on this journey toward building financial freedom via the power of the internet.  Wealthy Affiliate provides us with a stress-free hosting experience and we feel safe running our business on its platform.  We really feel that if you check it out, you’ll feel the same.

All the best for Now!

David and Heidi


16 thoughts on “Why we left Siteground and Hostgator hosting for Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting and learned how to build an online business from scratch.

  1. Hi 

    I have not heard of Siteground and Hostgator before. That renewal price in Hostgator was huge, compared to the initial price. And good online support is extremely important, I can only imagine how frustrating this can be if you are having issues with your website and support is slow … 

    Wealthy Affiliate definitely offers a much better package, and since I’m a member myself I can only agree that the price is very accessible, the online support is amazing, and the online community is unlike any I’ve ever seen, so supportive and welcoming.

    1. Hi Christine.

      Yes the astronomical renewal price was a bit hard to take – considering you weren’t getting anything extra for the price! Good support is also a major factor and that’s one of the best things about wealthy affiliate web hosting. Any time we have had a problem it has been resolved , usually in minutes, by the site support team.

      The community is also amazing, as you say. So many people who have such a vast array of knowledge and ready to help out with anything

      Thanks for your feedback

      David and Heidi

  2. Hi David, I like your thoughts about Hosting.  I have learned that if you do not have a good hosting company for your website, it will hurt your business.

    I LOVE that average site speed, like  wow!   1.2 seconds or was it 1.3 seconds. that is very FAST

    I know that site speed is one of important factors with Google in ranking our websites.

    People will NOT wait around for our web page to load.  All of us just close the page and move on

    Is it really true you can join Wealthy Affiliate FREE and get some free training AND two free websites?

    1. Hi Phil

      Yes its 100% free to try it out and you get the free start-up training (which is excellent) as well as 2 free websites to start building your own business.

      The quality of the hosting is superb and the site speeds are as good as anything I have seen anywhere else. As you say, people wont tolerate slow loading sites – but that’s never a problem on sites hosted at Wealthy Affiliate.

      Thanks for your interest!

      David and Heidi

  3. Hello there I must say this is a very nice and also informative article. It will be of great help to the public, just as it has been of help to me.

    Up until a few months ago I used to host my site on hostgator. I thought it was OK but after joining wealthy affiliate I decided to try them out and I discovered that wealthy affiliate is even better.

    What I really like about wealthy affiliate is the double hosting and their quick site support. Thanks once again, I will keep this article for future reference

    1. Thanks very much for your interest Feji Ben. Hostgator is certainly OK but we  would never recommend it to anyone, based on our own experiences.

      The double hosting is an awesome feature and makes sure your site is always up and running!

      Thanks again

      David and Heidi

  4. Hello David and Heidi, good to see you share Wealthy Affiliate web hosting services. I am very impressed with all of the features and the benefits that come along with it at just 82 cents per day. 

    I have been considering Siteground for some time now; I never had an idea of the crazy price of $240 after the first year that costs $70. I have some reasons why I am sticking with Wealthy Affiliate hosting. I can host up to 25 premium websites with 30GB space each; I found this cool because I am planning on creating several websites as time goes on and I also plan to get websites contract as a web developer. 

    It is not just enough to run a website but one needs to develop some skills like SEO, keywords research and the likes in order to be visible to the world. All these I am learning from Wealthy Affiliate:: What is the benefit of owning a website that doesn’t get visitors to its contents?

    I celebrate you my friends!

    1. Hi MrBiizy

      Siteground hosting is definitely a very viable option as long as you realise that their introductory offer will only last until you need to renew – that’s when the price goes up. You also don’t get all the extras that you get with wealthy affiliate web hosting.

      Working as a web developer – you could definitely benefit from all the sites you can host too. The training you get will definitely teach you all those skills.

      All the best

      David and Heidi

  5. Hi David and Heidi, I met a blogger in my area and she had a similar experience with SiteGround – Big increase in monthly fee when her monthly traffic went up to the 200k+ range. Later she switched to a local agency that uses AWS and offers hosting.

    Have you tried the reseller plan from SiteGround? From my research they offer one of the most affordable reseller plans. If clients request to have their own access to their site, a reseller plan with CPanel may give site admin more control over the accesses provided to different clients.

    In terms of managed hosting, Wealthy Affliate does offer lots of value in their training and hosting package.



    1. Hi Hugh. 

      It’s definitely a source of great irritation when prices go up by an amount you weren’t expecting – as was our experience with Siteground hosting. We never tried the reseller plan as it just wasn’t something we were doing at the time.

      We both love the service you get at Wealthy Affiliate and the training and community, along with the hosting package makes for an unbeatable package!

      All the best

      David and Heidi

  6. Hi David and Heidi – I wish I could add more to what you’ve posted here but I can’t.  I Started with Wealthy Affiliate in March as a newbie and I concur with everything you have written.  I fumbled around for about a month and then stumbled upon WA.  It has been a godsend.  I haven’t made any money yet, but I shall. 

    Thanks for this opportunity!

    1. Hi Nathaniel.

      Thanks for stopping by. It’s great to hear that you are enjoying the experience at Wealthy Affiliate.

      Always remember that building a profitable online business takes lots of work and time to achieve it. When you have done the work and followed the training – the rewards will follow! The wealthy affiliate training will show you exactly what you need to do to build an online business from scratch.

      Good luck

      Heidi and Dave

  7. Well explained why you should go with Wealthy Affiliate! I am a user and I can say that I don’t have any regrets. It is only a matter of hard work because there’s no miracle in here. You will get the proper tools to succeed. Live tutorials are great and they come from normal people like you and me. That’s why we can be confident about using this host. Al 

    1. Hi Al

      It’s great to hear feedback from a fellow user of Wealthy Affiliate. You are of course right about the work side of things. Having great training is only a good thing if you actually take the time to put it into practice.

      Thanks for adding your vote of approval to wealthy affiliate web hosting

  8. Hi, guys!
    You are doing some awesome work here. I bought the Digital Marketing Launchpad and thought it couldn’t get any better. You helped me so much with my e products that now I need a website.
    Went back to yours to see whether you had any idea on that as well, and WOW!
    It seems a fantastic opportunity, the Wealthy Affiliate Hosting. Especially with the technical support. That sounds amazing!! Really 24/7?
    And then you talk about training? Like about website creation and development?
    What kind of training do they offer? Is it up to date?
    Thank you so much, you guys are an early christmas gift,
    Best wishes,

    1. Hello, Jan!

      Wow! We’re so happy that you have received your very own copy of our eBook! it’s so great to know that it has helped you in the process of creating, marketing, and selling your own products!

      You will definitely want to check out Wealthy Affiliate, especially if you’re looking for a fantastic hosting platform along with training! It is the best we’ve seen and will stand behind Wealthy Affiliate 100%. The training is up to date and there is help from every corner within the platform; including a vast assortment of community encompassing all skill levels from all over the world. It’s the place to be!

      Find us if you decide to choose Wealthy Affiliate! It’d be great to connect there as well!

      Best wishes to you, Jan!

      Heidi & David

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