Vidsite Pro Review

Vidsite Pro Review

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One of the things that makes many people hesitate when they are considering setting up a business is the technical stuff involved in setting up their own website. How would you feel about using a WordPress plugin to do all this for you? In this Vidsite Pro review I am going to check out its claims that it can Now Press A Simple Button And Instantly Get Your OWN Fully Automated Video Marketing System That Gets You More Traffic, More Leads and More Sales without ever having to waste money on setting up your site, buying an expensive theme or paying for content!Vidsite Pro Review

These are big claims and if they are true this could be what all new digital marketers are looking for so let’s dive in now and take a closer look.

(By the way, in case you are wondering – Yes I have actually tested the product myself and I will show you some of my results too!)

What Is Vidsite Pro?

Vidsite Pro is a premium WordPress plugin that you upload onto your website and then access from your WordPress dashboard in the same way as any other plugin.

It is a tool which basically takes away the need for you to do all the manual work of sourcing and creating content for your website. In fact, it will actually go out and find content in the form of YouTube videos which match any keyword you choose and add them to your site in the form of blog posts.

As well as creating content for your site it can also be used as a method for building your email list and promoting affiliate products. On the face of it, Vidsite Pro looks like being a great option for novice marketers to create a quality website which can actually be monetized so let’s examine it in a bit more detail.

What Does Vidsite Pro Actually Do?

Vidsite Pro Review

Let’s start by taking a look at what we are being promised in the sales page and then compare it to what the product actually delivers.

Here are some of the things you are being promised as a customer of Vidsite Pro:

  • Builds INSTANT 1‐Click SEO‐Optimized video sites that get you traffic
  • Completely done‐for‐you high converting video sites in 60 seconds flat!
  • Stunning website designs that convert
  • Smart Locker technology – triples conversions by locking a video and forcing a visitor to take action before they view it.
  • SEO built in
  • Opt-in System
  • Fully responsive design that gets 34,000 mobile visitors a month
  • 100% unique content – Vidsite Pro curates the audio from the video into text content
  • The most advanced video curator on the planet
  • Amazon integration – sell amazon affiliate products
  • No need to buy a premium theme or pay for content

How Much Does Vidsite Pro Cost?

At the time of writing Vidsite Pro is available for $16.97

There are also a number of OTO upsells such as:

Pro Version – $37. This unlocks extra features such as drip feeding, developers licence, analytics and a system for getting guaranteed page 1 rankings (allegedly)

White Label – $57. An opportunity to make money by referring your own customers to Vidsite pro

Mega Membership – $89. Join the mega membership platform to get access to other blogs, plugins ebooks and training videos with resell rights.

Does Vidsite Pro Deliver What It Promises?

Unlike many other reviewers who just put together some research by reading what everyone else says about a product – I have actually got my own copy of Vidsite Pro, so check out this video below where I show you what exactly you get and how it works.

Can You Make Money With Vidsite Pro?

As you have seen from the video above, Vidsite Pro can absolutely be used to create a video based website in a matter of minutes. The features for locking videos work as described and so can be used to force visitors to take action.

Provided you can get traffic to come to your site then I would say that, Yes you can definitely make money with Vidsite Pro.

Pros Of Vidsite Pro

  • Genuinely fast creation of posts on your website
  • The content locker is very effective and asks for action to be taken before continuing
  • Training videos included will show how to set up a campaign easily
  • Integration with many common autoresponders
  • Newbie friendly – this is genuinely easy to get set up

Cons of Vidsite Pro

  • Content created by Vidsite Pro is not 100% unique. It is a transcription of the video
  • The written content created is a mass block of text which will need to be edited.
  • Doubtful how well the content is optimised for SEO

Is Vidsite Pro A Scam?

When I first started looking at Vidsite Pro and analyzing the sales page offer and the product myself I immediately noticed one thing which had me immediately doubting the claims made by the creator. The sales page has a video showing how he used the Vidsite Pro plugin on an old site to get it ranked on Page 1 of Google. The big problem was – the keyword he targets in the video contains a spelling mistake!!

However having looked more closely at the product I think this is an honest mistake rather than an attempt to rank for an erroneous keyword. (Lots of people mistake the words “your” and “you’re”, I suppose)

This product definitely delivers most of what it claims to, so for that reason I can say the Vidsite Pro is NOT a scam

Final Thoughts

As you can see from my video demonstration of Vidsite Pro, it is very possible to create a website with lots of video content in just a very short period of time. The setup is easy and the use of the plugin is very straightforward.

I think it’s important to say that, although the site you create with the plugin is definitely a good starting point, I would have serious doubts as to its ability to generate decent volumes of traffic via SEO or to make money without doing a lot more work yourself.

Getting traffic via SEO is not quite that easy and to make money you need to build a relationship with your visitors.

What’s The Alternative?

Heidi and I are often asked what program we recommend to people who want to get started in an online business and we always recommend that you choose one of two proven methods for building an online business.

If you believe that affiliate marketing is the way forward for your business then we have no hesitation in recommending this proven system which will show you how to build an online business and website from the ground up with training and support to help you every step of the way.

This system shows you how to attract FREE organic traffic so that people come to you out of choice rather than because you bombarded them with adverts or spam messages.

If you are ready to build a business selling your own products then we have laid out the entire process to help you do that in our book “The Digital Marketing Launchpad“. This is our own tried tested and proven method for creating your own digital products to sell and we cover product research, creating products with free tools, selling and taking payments for your products, and getting traffic and customers too. Click the image below to find out more!

Thanks for checking out this review and please leave any comments or questions below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

All the best


3 thoughts on “Vidsite Pro Review

  1. Hi David and Heidi,
    Great review and video. I really enjoyed reading your review. It’s to the point which is helpful for me. Although, I do think your video could have been a little shorter, it was very informative. I loved the walkthrough in your back office in Wealthy Affiliate. I’m not sure I’d buy this product right now as I am loving writing my own content currently. It was very interesting to see it creates content from videos. That’s really cool! I can see myself potentially using this down the line if and when I get better at optimization on my website. It’s definitely worth thinking about and buying. I’ll be back to visit your website again soon. 🤠💖

    1. Hi Lili
      Thanks for your kind comment and I’m glad you found it useful. Certainly if you are enjoying creating your own content then I would definitely think you should continue to work on that. Adding regular content to your site is a great way to improve your credibility and also website rankings.

    2. Thank you so much for stopping by, Lili!!

      We appreciate your support and great ideas! Best wishes as you work on your website optimization! You’ve got this! Please do stop back!

      ~Heidi and David

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