envidio 2.0 youtuber things review

Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things Review

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Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things review

There’s absolutely no doubt that video has a massive role to play in the future of any internet marketing business and learning how to create videos and a YouTube channel is now regarded as a necessary skill. In this Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things review, we are going to look at whether this product is the answer to the problem of how to create professional and attractive videos that will attract traffic and clicks for your business.

What Is Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things?

Envidio 2.0 Youtuber things is a large collection of PowerPoint video templates that can be used to create animated video presentations. It is not actually a software product or wordpress plugin and you will need access to an editor such as MS PowerPoint to be able to edit them to your own needs. You will also need to have the 2013 version of PowerPoint or later to be able to fully edit the templates and access all the features.

According to the vendor, the templates will not work with keynote – only PowerPoint – so if you don’t already have it on your computer then you should factor this additional cost in.

About Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things

Creating videos for use either in your own products, on your website, or for creation of a YouTube channel is widely acknowledged as being one of the core activities for digital marketers. There are a number of options already available such as using your smartphone and recording yourself or using screen capture software such as Camtasia or Screencast-O-Matic.

Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things takes a slightly different approach and uses PowerPoint templates for creating animated video presentations. You simply edit the templates by adding your own text and other content and then use this to record your video.

How Much Does Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things Cost?

The regular price for Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things is $97 but at the time of writing this review it was on a dime sale promotion with the price gradually creeping up over time (currently $24.75)

Can You Make Money With Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things?

Videos are definitely a good way to establish credibility in any niche as they give the impression of having some sort of expertise in your topic. The templates that are included with this product can certainly be used to add some professional looking and eye-catching sections to your videos although I have doubts about whether you would want to use these and nothing else for creating an entire video.

Creating a profitable YouTube channel requires both expertise in a profitable niche as well as an ability to share useful content in a video format. You will obviously need to be confident that you have in-demand information to share with your potential customers.

Just putting up some eye-catching videos is not enough to make money. You also need to have a degree of expertise in your niche otherwise customers will see straight through you and move on so do not make the mistake of thinking that Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things can be used as a substitute for genuine expertise

Pros Of Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things

  • Huge collection of ready-made templates
  • Newbie friendly – a basic knowledge of MS PowerPoint will allow you to edit the templates and create your own professional looking video
  • Good collection of useful bonuses, including YouTube channel templates and animated background loops

Cons of Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things?

  • You might need other methods of adding content to your final videos – i.e. you might not be able to add “how to” content to the videos using the product
  • Huge data size to be downloaded. These templates and sample videos will take up an enormous amount of space on your computer storage

Is Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things A Scam?

Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things delivers exactly what is promised on the sales page – namely a large collection of professionally made PowerPoint templates for creating videos. This is a genuine product if that’s the sort of thing you want and it is NOT a scam.

Final Thoughts

Heidi and I have looked at a number of methods for creating videos in our business. We certainly don’t make any claims to be experts in video creation but we are always looking for new ways to make our videos and our business better.

Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things is being marketed as a newbie-friendly method of video creation but I would hesitate before calling it that. You will need to have some expertise in editing PowerPoint slides and then recording the presentation.

I also don’t think I would use it for creating entire videos as I would want to do some form of teaching and training in most of my videos.

One thing it might be very useful for however is for selling gigs on Fiverr where a number of sellers make quite good money creating video “intros” and “outros” such as logo stings. Using some of the templates included with Envidio 2.0, you could make and sell some very impressive video clips for customers.

I still prefer a screen capture system such as Screencast-o-matic for creating my videos.

What’s The Alternative?

Heidi and I are often asked what program we recommend to people who want to get started in an online business and we always recommend that you choose one of two proven methods for building an online business.

If you believe that affiliate marketing is the way forward for your business then we have no hesitation in recommending this proven system which will show you how to build an online business and website from the ground up with training and support to help you every step of the way.

This system shows you how to attract FREE organic traffic so that people come to you out of choice rather than because you bombarded them with adverts or spam messages.

If you are ready to build a business selling your own products then we have laid out the entire process to help you do that in our book “The Digital Marketing Launchpad“. This is our own tried tested and proven method for creating your own digital products to sell and we cover product research, creating products with free tools, selling and taking payments for your products, and getting traffic and customers too. Click the image below to find out more!

Thanks for checking out this review and please leave any comments or questions below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

All the best


6 thoughts on “Envidio 2.0 Youtuber Things Review

  1. For me, this was a timely article.  I have been an affiliate marketer for awhile and very involved in the Wealthy Affiliate program that you advertise.  Recently, I have backed off my daily participation there to apply what I am learning to my online business.  Part of this has been to set up a Youtube Channel.  It has been kind of daunting.  I am hoping that Envidio 2.0 might be one of several programs that I can apply when creating videos.  I am wondering if the fee is monthly, annual or one time.  My other huge question is how much expertise do you need with Power Point to use Envidio?  I guess I would say that I have a basic knowledge of Power Point.  Would I still be able to use the program.  I am always looking for programs and techniques that will enhance the work I am doing.  Thanks for the article.  

    1. Hi Anastazja

      That’s great to hear that you are working to develop your business by creating a youtube channel. There is definitely a huge market there and a big opportunity for developing your business.

      The fee for Envidio 2.0 is a one-off fee and gives you access to the full range of templates. I have played around with some of the templates myself and they are very simple to edit so just a basic knowledge of powerpoint will be all you need to be able to use them..

      Many thanks


  2. Youtube and people accessing Youtube has grown massively over the last few years.  People no longer look at mainstream TV but are looking to alternatives such as Netflix, Amazon & yes Youtube. I have subscribed to many and think I spend far more time on youtube than mainstream tv.  

    Many people are working from home now and looking for alternatives, which includes creating their own Youtube channel. I hadn’t heard of Envideo before.  This could be ideal for my own home based on-line business. At $24.75 it seems like a steal.  However, you then pose the rhetorical question, is a it a scam?  That concerned me in reading your post.  And then I saw the helpful “health warning”.  But also the recommendation to the Affiliate Marketing training site. I clicked through and that does look like a good opportunity.  I have book marked your page to explore this further.  Thank you for the helpful information.

    1. Hi Trevor

      Yes there is no doubt that Youtube is going to continue to grow for a long time and it is a golden opportunity to get involved and develop your own space in this market. Using Envidio 2.0 is definitely one way into this market but perhaps not the best way.

      I’m glad to hear you checked out the affiliate marketing training. I think it is probably the best way to get involved in digital marketing for many people.



  3. Hi David! It’s good to hear you have checked out Envidio 2.0 and they deliver what they offer. I know video is an important part of marketing but it will just continue to increase as time goes by. I think the best way for me to hop on this bus is purchasing Envidio. It’s cheap and you say it delivers. So I’ll give it a try! Thanks!

    1. Hi Henry

      Thanks for checking out our review. Yes Envidio is a genuine product which gives you a good option for creating videos. I wish you lots of success and I’d love to see some of your videos.

      Many thanks 


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