Learn Affiliate Marketing For Free – & Snag Some Tools To Get You Started!

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Greetings, friend!  We’re so happy you found this post!  We’re especially happy if you’re looking into affiliate marketing, as we are firm believers in the practice of it.  In fact, we believe that anyone can be successful as an online entrepreneur in any capacity.  If you’re here, you may have been intrigued by the title – Learn Affiliate Marketing For Free – & Snag Some Tools To Get You Started!  Today, we’re going to walk you through some of the basics of affiliate marketing and if you’re still around at the end of the article, we’ll introduce you to a couple of tools that you may find useful on your journey into entrepreneurship!

learn affiliate marketing for free

By Definition

Affiliate marketing is a way for companies or people to have a product for sale, but entrust that product to be sold and promoted by others, usually with a commission given to the party that sells it.  This commission percentage can be any percentage up to 100%.  It’s up to the affiliate company to set its percentage for its affiliates.

Digital marketing is for those who are looking at beginning a business to sell individually created products.  As a rule, these products are created and sold digitally, hence the name of the type of marketing.

Entrepreneurship is a varied term used to describe the practice of one wanting to start a business.  Essentially, entrepreneurs are the boss of their own created business.  This term describes anyone who is building a business or working for himself or herself.


Are You An Entrepreneur?  Do You Want To Be?Learn about affiliate marketing for free

As we’ve mentioned above, an entrepreneur is someone who has a desire to build a business.  It takes patience, dedication, commitment, and did we mention patience?  The great news, if you’re new, is that you can absolutely begin your own business.  And if you’re ready, you can start today!  What’s that?  You don’t have the money to invest upfront?!  Even better!  You don’t need any money!  You can learn affiliate marketing for free!


Online Marketing

Since we’re unsure of which way you’d like to take your business, we’ll stick with the topic of online marketing.  That could encompass both affiliate marketing or digital marketing.  Either way, you’re going to want a website to begin promoting, right?  Right!  Lucky for you, we have a wonderful opportunity for you to run with!


Our Favorite Choice

The best place that we can send you to begin your website for free is Wealthy Affiliate!  If you’ve never heard of it, no worries!  You can read more about it here.  Also, you can read about why David and I left Hostgator and Siteground here.  Once you sign up for your free account at Wealthy Affiliate, you’ve immediate access to begin the free training and learn how to build your first website!  Not only is it free, but Wealthy Affiliate will allow you to host up to 2 websites on their platform!  You may click on the image to get started now!


wealthy affiliate web hosting


Your Options

Once you decide to sign up for your free account, it’s important for you to check out the platform!  We’ll be notified of your presence and we will welcome you!  At that point, you have both David and me to help you move forward. After you’ve become acquainted with the campus, so to speak, you’ll be on your way to the training.  You have two options (both free) to select from.  You can either choose the training that will teach you about affiliate marketing and building a website to promote products of others, or you can create your own niche website to monetize once you get your site up and running!


On Your Way

Once you have your website built,  you’ll be adding content and well on your way to monetizing it!  Whether you choose to go the digital marketing route or become an affiliate for some affiliate programs, you’ll already have the foundation set for you to continue to build your business.  You’ll learn from the training and the community within Wealthy Affiliate.  Of course, you’ll have both David and me to help as well!


Our Promiselearn affiliate marketing for free

While we both feel that Wealthy Affiliate will equip you with all the tools you need to fill your toolbox, we have a couple of items as well!  It’s true that we got our start at Wealthy Affiliate as affiliate marketers, but when David and I decided to partner our business, we knew that we could (and should) expand beyond affiliate marketing!  We both have a passion to help anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur, so we’ve worked diligently on a couple of products that we think you’ll find useful!


For Affiliates

If you’re choosing to learn the tricks and trades of affiliate marketing, then you’re going to love our latest product!  We’ve searched the internet for some of the best affiliate programs out there.  We have done the research so that you don’t have to!  Across several different categories and niches, you have free access to our latest guide, “The Top 100 Affiliate Programs For 2020”!  This is a great resource that will give you details for some great affiliate programs, what to look for, and where to apply.  You might also luck out and find something you never thought of!  Just click here or on the image below and our latest guide is yours!



For Digital Marketers

When David and I first began our business partnership, one of the first things we partnered on was the creation of an eBook.  The book, “The Digital Marketing Launchpad” is geared toward digital marketers, but it is a great resource for those looking for ways to create, market, and sell personally created products.  Something awesome about this product, in particular, is that if you love it, you have an opportunity to become an affiliate for us!  We’re offering a great commission opportunity to those who choose to promote this eBook for us!  You can read more about it when you click the image!  While the book is not free, we know you’ll find value in it.  For more information on the eBook, please click here or on the image below!

The Digital Marketing Launchpad


Total Transparency

We’re here for you.  Period.  David and I have been blessed to have found Wealthy Affiliate and to have partnered this business.  We wouldn’t have gotten to where we are today without the great help of the leaders of Wealthy Affiliate and its wonderful community.  You will see just how amazing it is once you sign up for your free account.  But as we always say, don’t take our word for it!  Check it out for yourself!  You quite honestly have nothing to lose and everything to gain!  We wish you nothing but success, and as always, please reach out if we can help you in any way!  There are no two people who want you to succeed more than we do!


Until Next Time, 
Heidi & David

9 thoughts on “Learn Affiliate Marketing For Free – & Snag Some Tools To Get You Started!

  1. Heidi and David,
    Wow, thanks so much for helping me to better understand all of the strategies involved in building an online business. I was trying to make up my mind with a direction that would most benefit and support the ideas I have been tossing around. I am definitely going to take you up on the free products. I am also excited about the amount of training over at Wealthy Affiliate! The resources available there are endless.

    By the way, I am seriously considering your Digital Marketing Launchpad. After looking through all the information and tools available I am convinced this is exactly the product I have been looking for as I prepare to launch my own online business.

    Thanks again,

    1. Hello, Gerry!

      We appreciate you taking the time to read our work! We’re also very happy that we helped you to understand the strategies in building an online business. Surely we don’t know it all, but we can speak from our own experience and we’re glad it has helped! We’re excited to hear that you have an account at Wealthy Affiliate and are enjoying the training and resources there! Like us, you’ll learn so much!

      Once you grab a copy of our eBook, please sign up to become an affiliate if you’re in favor of its content! We think it will help you tremendously as you begin your business. Best of luck to you as you proceed! Reach out at any time; we’re here to help!

      Heidi (& David)

  2. Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .Your article helps a lot to understand all the techniques for creating a business online .I must say that your ideas are most useful and supported .I am excited about the Affiliate Marketing Place Wealthy Affiliate Training .I am seriously considering your Digital Marketing Launchpad and all the information is truly enjoyable. And after looking at everything I am absolutely certain that it is very helpful to start my own online business .

    I will be collecting it soon and sharing my new experience with you.

  3. Hello Heidi,

    You make some really interesting and compelling points. Starting an online business definitely requires some patience and dedication. However, the benefits are endless. I have heard a lot about wealthy affiliate, and I’ll be sure to check it out. This is a really simple and comprehensive guide. Thanks a lot for sharing

  4. Hi Heidi,

    Great article, I remember I tried affiliate marketing about 10 years back, sadly at the time wasn’t in a position where I could allocate the necessary time to make a success of it, so knocked it on the head.

    Funnily enough I tried wealthy affiliate back then & thought it was a great tool to learn affiliate marketing for free. I’ll certainly be trying it again, I’ll be having a look at your Ebook as well, thanks for sharing!

  5. Hello David and Heidi. Thank you for sharing this post to help direct newbies like me to where we can learn affiliate marketing for free with access to almost everything we will need to succeed. I know Wealthy Affiliate and people have spoken well of it and it has been proven; it’s worth giving a try. I love the two digital products you both have produced as it will help in this journey. I know being an entrepreneur online is not easy but I am ready for whatever that comes my way but it’s only the end that matters.

    Warm regards. 

  6. I’ve gotten many headaches trying to get my feet on the ground in regard to affiliate marketing business. I’ve tried a lot of options and few have all we need as real newbies to the industry. 

    When trying to become an online entrepreneur you end with the feeling of needing to be a creative writer, a web site developer and a marketing specialist all at once to success. One of the top lessons learned: you won’t be able to do it alone. As a consequence you’ll either need to pay for people getting the job done for you (this is a challenging task to accomplish without breaking the bank in the process) or learn everything you need to do on your own (what could take a lot of your time an effort).

    I’ve gotten into your proposed site and It clearly stands out for the following reasons: they. Offer a free trial; They offer a low entry fee to extend the trial; they have a huge library of video content to learn at your peace and lastly but not least they have a very engaged community willing to answer all the questions you may have on a 24/7 live support chat!

    Thanks for a great recommendation!

  7. This takes me back to when I first started out online. I had a hard time knowing how to make money online until I read a blog that talked about affiliate marketing. I decided to go on with the business model and built my website around what I loved. Now it’s awesome.

    Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. But it’s definitely not a get-rich-quick scheme that others may want it to be. You’ll need hard work and patience. It took me about 5 months of hard work of building my website before I made a sale, and it continued growing significantly.

    I learnt what I know now from Wealthy Affiliate. I was encouraged a lot from other successful affiliates. When one have the right mental attitude to wealth, this would be much achievable.

  8. Heidi and David,

    I really like your website. I can see that the Digital Marketing Launchpad that you link to in your site would be a real time saver. It contains information gleaned from your own years of experience, and it is great in that the person who invests in it will get the updates as you provide them.

    Of course you and I, all three, know how great Wealthy Affiliate is. 

    My experience with both affiliate and digital marketing is that it has been somewhat of an up and down process. Mainly, that has been because I have almost always had a “day job,” while I have learned about these ventures. Strangely, when my online activity picks up, it seems like my “day jobs” improve too. Now, I am swinging back to being able to devote more time to the online activities.

    Anyway, both tools, Wealthy Affiliate, and The Digital Marketing Launchpad, can be great time savers for those who are just getting started with online businesses.

    Wish you the best,


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